

Welcome To our sister company Decorative Renders Limited

We have over 35 years of experience in Rendering and Insulation Systems, having both, Machine Applied and hand applied services available, to suit the nature of the work involved.

Our high standards mean we are recognised as recommended Applicators for the following  Rendering systems manufacturing companies.

Pro Rend

We Specialise in the Application of Monocouche through coloured Render systems and External wall insulation Systems.

Finishes we usually work with from day to day are as follows.

Monocouche Flat Scratched Render
Monocouche Roughcast Render
Weber Tf, Thin Coat render system
Traditional floated renders
Ashlar Renders
Lime Render

We have a broad client portfolio and enjoy working for the many of the major new build housing developers.

Additionally we have vast experience in the Renovation and rejuvenation of Ageing properties using either, Monocouche Render System, or a thin coat render system, or The External wall insulation system, all of which provide a top quality low maintenance finish.